Aliens are invading, and you, Sergeant Snail, are our last hope!


Made for Free Lives' Physics Jam 2023

--> 🏆 Won Greatest Post-Jam Improvement! 🥳 <--


Aim at the UFO's. With enough speed, you retreat into your armoured shell, which will destroy them!

ESC: Pause/Unpause game and bring up menu

Left-Click/Tap + Hold & Drag away from where you want to go: Fire/Shoot/Move

- Think shooting an elastic band off your finger! PS: Look at the crosshair!


Assets: I made use of an assortment of Kenney's assets (and a font) in order to finish in time.
Counsel: Jaco van Hemert, for game design and playtest insights!

Update Log

V3.0 - Leaderboards, Limited Grabs, Crosshairs & more!

  • You can now see where you're aiming, a crosshair will guide you!
  • Grabs are now limited in time and quantity:
    • Time: When grabbing, you have 3 seconds before it automatically releases.
      • A visual timer will show you how long you have left.
    • Quantity: You start with 5 grabs, and can have a maximum of 10.
      • Destroying UFOs gives you 1 grab each!
      • Grab count is displayed on the bottom right of the screen.
  • See your score on the Leaderboard. Aim for the top slot!
    • The game ends when you hit the ground with 0 grabs left.
      • You'll be prompted for a Username to submit your score.
        • Please keep it clean!

V2.1 - Mobile Web Pausing/Restarting

  • Mobile browsers are now first class citizens!
    • When playing on a mobile browser, you'll now see an in-game pause button, allowing you to pause and either Resume, Restart (handy for those that feel like they get stuck on the ground...) or Quit the game.

V2.0 - Sound & Menu

  • Music and SFX have entered the game!
  • The multiplier and score implementation has been fixed!
  • There is now a menu when starting!
    • When playing on a non-mobile platform (PC/macOS/Desktop Browser), hittingESCwill pause the game and bring up a menu showing your score.
    • Here you can also Resume, Restart (handy for those that feel like they get stuck on the ground...) or Quit.
  • The score bar at the top has a slim "progress bar" indicating current height.
  • The background now also loads correctly on Mobile browsers!

V1.0 - JAM Version

  • All original files are still available for download, and have been renamed with the prefixJAM Version:for archival and visibility purposes.

Known Issues

  • Occasionally the snail might get stuck, but a quick click/tap should fix it!


GalacticGastropodGuardian_v3.0.exe 70 MB
GalacticGastropodGuardian_v3.0.dmg 59 MB
Download (Web) 14 MB
GalacticGastropodGuardian_v2.0.exe 70 MB
GalacticGastropodGuardian_v2.0.dmg 59 MB
JAM Version: GalacticGastropodGuardian_v1.0.exe 66 MB
JAM Version: GalacticGastropodGuardian_v1.0.dmg 55 MB
JAM Version: (Web) 8.6 MB

Install instructions

Web version works on all browsers, including Mobile!
> Okay, iOS might be slightly quirky...

OS Versions (Windows & macOS) are simply download & run!

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